A special Celebration Friday, November 1st at Point Arena Lighthouse, see flyer attached below for more information.
Spirit Week
It's time for some Pirate Pride! Show your school spirit all week long by dressing up in the theme of the day. MONDAY- PAJAMA DAY TUESDAY-TWIN DAY WEDNESDAY-CLASS COLORS 8th…
Parent Teacher Conference Week
Parent Teacher Conference Week Monday, October 21 Through Friday, October 25th Parent Conferences create a positive and supportive relationship between you, your child’s teacher, and your child. This relationship is…
Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair October 21-October 25 This year’s annual Scholastic Book Fair begins on Monday, October 21st through Friday, October 25th. This is the same week as our Parent…
South Coast Softball Clinics Friday
South Coast Softball Clinics "Fastpitch Fridays" start Friday October 18 4-5:30pm Through November 15 Download forms here
0-5 Parent Outreach
Public Community Announcement from Action Network Hello Arena Families As a non-profit, Action Network has been given funding to create programs/events/outreach projects to provide parenting resources for those parents who…
Igniting Change — Middle School Event
IGNITING CHANGE Stories of Transformation & Triumph Come hear powerful stories of hope from people who have overcome addiction and learn from a harm reduction expert who will help…
Parent Teacher Conference Week
Parent Teacher Conference Week is Monday, October 21st through Friday, October 25th. Parent Conferences create a positive and supportive relationship between you, your child’steacher, and your child. This relationship is…
Importance of Federal Aid Form
Federal Impact Aid Survey Do you know why the Impact Aid Survey funding is important for your child’s school? The Federal Impact Aid funding is designed to assist local school…
Action Network Parent Survey
Action Network wants to hear from the community especially those who are expecting or have children that are 0-5 years old. Please take the survey here.