The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival performed the pastoral comedy "As You Like It" for the high school this spring. The troupe loved us as an audience! Jayde Swan & Steven…

Fostering Lifelong Learning
The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival performed the pastoral comedy "As You Like It" for the high school this spring. The troupe loved us as an audience! Jayde Swan & Steven…
Santa Rosa Junior College Athletic Open House Inaugural Athletics Open House April 3rd, 2024 On Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, 6-8 PM, SRJC is hosting an Athletics Open House at the…
Teen Library Night March 15 6-10 pm See Ms. Krogel for permission slip
Join the Action Network Gaming Club. Fridays, 3:30-5:30 at Point Arena High School. Contact Christian for more information. Details below
Do you need community service? If you help another CLASS work concessions you can get community service. Grab a form from the office and Rikki, Ms. McFarland or Shasta will…
Caring4Cal offers no-cost Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training for certification in California, giving care providers ample support to launch their CNA careers without tuition costs. CNAs play a crucial role…
We Made the PLAYOFFS! Congratulations to our boys and girls varsity teams for making the Division 6, North Coast Section playoffs... our boys will be hosting Emory HS on Wednesday,…
Our JV Boys will be heading to Round Valley on Saturday 2/10/2024 for a basketball tournament. First game is at 11:30. Come cheer on our Pirates! Go Pirates!~
Monday, February 12 to Friday, February 16 Celebrate PAHS & the spirit of love. Monday: Hearts Day (wear hearts) Tuesday: Find your Match (twins day) Wednesday: Wear Pink Thursday: Breakup…
CASH FOR COLLEGE was rescheduled for Thursday, February 29th at 5:30pm in the PAHS Library. A REMINDER OF WHAT TO BRING TO THAT EVENT WILL BE POSTED LATER. Do you…